Lör 12 okt: Alabama Lovesnakes – S/S Marieholm

The Alabama Lovesnakes was formed in 2006 in Karlstad, Sweden, during the recording of Claes Nilsson’s country project ”The Wheels”. Late nights in the studio aroused an irresistible feeling in the band that just had to break loose – with the blues. Twelve years down the road, the band is still made up of the same members, and has logged countless miles and gigs all over Sweden, Norway, Estonia and France. The band has been a regular headliner at Sweden’s largest blues festival, Åmåls Blues Fest, for twelve years in a row and they attract great attention wherever they play.
- Claes Nilsson – Sång/gitarr
- Fredrik Nilsson – Bas
- Henrik Gillgren – Trummor
- Datum och tid:
- Lördag 12 oktober 2019, 21:00 – 23:30
- Artister:
- Alabama Lovesnakes
- Spellokal:
- S/S Marieholm »
- Biljettpris:
- 150:- (100:- för medlemmar i GBF)
- Typ av arrangemang:
- GBF Blues
- Övrig info:
- Bluesjam kl 16:00-19:00 (fri entré till jammet)
- S/S Marieholm har fullständiga rättigheter
- Bordsbokning 031-10 59 65